Our Mission

Our Vision

All are welcome and all are working together for God in our community.

Our Aim

To be a cohesive, caring church community. Learning, worshipping and witnessing to the love of God.

Our Priorities


Nourish a worshipping community by increasing awareness of God’s presence and celebrating his love

We will achieve this by:

  • frequent participation of cross-section of congregation in worship
  • continuing to provide Sunday Club
  • supporting our uniformed organisations
  • holding regular All Age Worship
  • using a range of resources and styles to enhance worship e.g. Taize services
  • sustaining high quality music by maintaining the church organ, paying an assistant organist and encouraging more to join band/orchestra
  • continued access to Zoom services


Nurture our church family

We will achieve this by:

  • encouraging everybody to help as well as be helped
  • finding out what our congregation wants and what skills they can bring
  • offering pastoral help and prayer in times of need
  • organising occasional social gatherings such as Harvest breakfast, lunches, Tea & Chat
  • wide circulation of attractive church magazine and weekly sheet
  • effective use of social media


Help people develop their faith

We will achieve this by:

  • running small house groups
  • promoting various resources, study notes and seasonal materials
  • offering mentorship
  • supporting the work of Churches Together in Buxton


Develop more welcoming buildings

We will achieve this by:

  • making building warm and weathertight
  • taking measures to lower our impact on the climate
  • making our building fully accessible
  • undertaking a dementia-friendly church audit
  • improving signage


Use our premises for witness and mission

We will achieve this by:

  • actively marketing our premises so they are fully used all week, boosting our income as well as our audience and profile
  • providing a welcoming weekly café
  • fostering links with local groups


Witness for social justice

We will achieve this by:

  • continuing to learn from and support world issues through: Christian Aid, All We Can, JMA, Action for Children, Fairtrade and specific campaigns
  • offering to use our resources to help people in need in our local community
  • becoming an Eco Church

Mission Plan