
Sunday Services

Our Sunday morning services commence at 10.30am.

All are welcome.


Saturday Open Church

On Saturday mornings, whilst our cafe is taking place, and subject to volunteer availability, the church is open to all for quiet prayer.

Praise@6 Services

An informal service in our Main Hall at 6pm on the second Sunday of the month with contemporary music, refreshments and discussion.

All are welcome.

Taizé Service

A meditative, ecumenical service with music, readings and periods of silence and prayer.

Occasionally through the year. All are welcome.

Special Services

Covenant Service

In early January, we renew our relationship with God at our Convenant Service.

Service is a gift, not a demand. And God will give you the grace to do it all. You are not alone!

All Age Worship & Parade Services

A few times a year, our Sunday Club children and young people and Uniformed Groups join us for all age worship.

Remembrance Sunday

We hold a special Remembrance Service on Remembrance Sunday to commemorate all those who have died during military service.

Memorial Service

In early December, we hold a special Memorial Service in memory of those we have lost.

All are welcome to come and light a candle.

Seasonal Services

Palm Sunday

A Sunday morning service the week before Easter.

Easter Services

Good Friday service at 10.30am

Easter Sunday service at 10.30am

Harvest Service

We celebrate harvest with a special service in mid-October followed by a shared lunch.

Advent Services

Each Sunday morning in December

Impromptu Nativity Service // Carol Service

There are two types of service we hold the week before Christmas Day.

Either an ‘Impromptu Nativity Service’ where we come dressed as a character from the Christmas Story and join in with our impromptu nativity(!) or a more traditional Carol Service where we sing our favourite Christmas hymns and carols.

Christingle Service

A special service on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Day Service

On 25th December at 10.30am